A tireless Magento community contributor

He is a very active member of Magento community, having taken part to several conferences as speaker or organizer; we are proud to announce that Fabian Blechschmidt will be on Mage Titans Italia stage!

Fabian Blechschmidt

Fabian is a member of Firegento association, a group of Magento enthusiasts developing open source modules and organizing Hackathons and other events. One of this is the upcoming Mage Unconference that will take place in Berlin on March.

Thank you Fabian for joining us, welcome on-board!

Let’s be honest: this line-up rocks! We hope you agree with us and will attend the conference in Milan.
Please help us spreading the word about this incredible event!

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Published by

Alessandro Ronchi

I believe in passion, innovation & continuous improvement. I’m a developer, author and open source contributor aspiring to become an antifragile entrepreneur.